Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

run, run, baby run ;D

Hello, howdy?
today's posting will talking abt, em running?. no. no i am not a runner nor sprinter. as i remember i'm quite "okay" on running while the hi school times tho hoho.

one things i remember most abt running is u should never stop it, just run constantly, or you will find it difficult starting again.
this analogical could be use in how we taking our lifes as well, as long the dead hasn't come yet, we shouldn't take it stoped. :)

we should never stop hoping, should never stop learning, dreaming, and sure reaching our goals , rite? :D
most people may have dreams, expectations, goals, you called it your own, but unfortunately they forgot to learn and reaching them out. i am person who can't seen the significance of await. tho sometimes we just can wait on God's will, wishing it to be true. but for other things, i dont get it why we should tolarance.

from now on i'm crossing my fingers to reaching all the dreams i have, i will do what should i do to get closer to them, it is simply as we wanted to be expert in cooking but we never go to the kitchen, we never reach what we want, don't we?
or simply as we wanted to be graduated, but we never starting write even a page of thesis, we never passed the finals and never graduated till we have a grandchild, agree? :p

as long as you have a pair of feet, you should never stop walking, and as long you have power to run, why don't you run? because the time can't wait you. time meaning to our lifes :)

so run, run, baby run ;D

happy Holiday & Cheers
Melly Indria

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Dewi Perusak ;D

hari ini akhirnya saya sadar ternyata banyak barang-barang saya yang harus direparasi hoho, sepertinya saya harus bisa lebih peduli dengan kesehatan mereka hoho. Baiklah anak-anak, mama berjanji akan lebih perhatian dan telaten cup cup cup ;P.
ini dia anak-anak saya yg rusak :

1. kacamata
2. trackball blackberry
3. charger P1

disamping itu banyak buku yg belum selesai dibaca, seperti :
1. the all of time Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang hohoho *yg anak hukum jgn ketawa*
2. Perahu Kertas
3. The lost Symbols
4. 150 tanya jawab tentang PT
5. buku papa tentang Kopasus (Sintong Panjaitan)
*padahal udah niat pengen beli buku lagi, ternyata masih byk yg belum terbaca, keliatan sekali kalo saya adalah manusia maruk huhu*

yah, begitulang postingan saya hari ini, sangat amat tidak penting kecuali mengingatkan kita betapa barang-barang yang kita miliki sekarang jauh lebih penting untuk di perhatikan, walaupun yang nampak diluar sana jauh lebih menggiurkan ;)

Melly Indria

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010


"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is attribute of the strong" Mr. Gandhi, Mahatma