Jumat, 15 April 2011

7 Hari Lagi

Earlier in this morning, salah satu teman saya yang "unik" tiba-tiba menghubungi melalui fasilitas yang hampir sebagian besar (sekarang) dipergunakan oleh masyarakat sepergaulan : Blackberry messenger.

percakapan dimulai dengan :
"Selamat hari jum'at, 7 hari lagi kita bertemu dikota Semarang!"

"sambutan" pagi itupun saya tanggapi datar saja namun tetap ceria "Plisss deh dayooo, penting banget". dan obrolan pun berlanjut singkat.

lebih jauh dari sekedar 7 hari lagi adalah waktu, kita, saya, dayu dan teman-teman kami yang lain berjanji untuk menghabiskan long weekend di kota tempat kami dahulu berjuang meraih gelar sarjana *kuliah :p*, dimana tujuan utamanya juga akan menghadiri pernikahan teman kita si Bama, 7 hari yang akan datang itu 22 April 2011, saya ulang tahun.

kemarin-kemarin, saya sudah janji pada diri sendiri untuk tidak akan menulis sesuatu tentang "ulang tahun". sudah cukup sering soalnya hehe, tapi yaa.. kepancing dengan kata "7 hari, lagi" itu deh.

Tujuh, adalah angka favorite jika tidak boleh disebut keramat. dan lalu, dalam hitungan angka favorite tersebut, saya akan segera menggenapkan diri menjadi 24 tahun. usia yang tidak pernah sampai terpikirkan. serius, saya ga pernah sempat memikirkan akan berkepala 2. apalagi diakhiri dengan angka 4. hehe seraaaaam.

jika ditanya apa yang diinginkan di umur ini, saya hanya ingin sekolah lagiii. nambah ilmu, nambah teman, nambah pengalaman, dan nambah segala yg perlu ditambah kecuali berat badan hehehe, amit-amit.

Yah, semoga yah? :)


Minggu, 10 April 2011

Cong, ratulations

“selamat”adalah ungkapan yang tak pernah jelas maknanya. Kadang, ia membawa doa, kekakuan berujar atau malah menutupi iri"

I’m writing this post with an enthusiastic feeling about what had been change lately in the previous day to day life. Mostly about good things that happened therefore people coming to just congratulating another.

One of my dear best friends, Item *this is the way I called him* finally has successfully finalized his thesis last month, not only that he’s also smoothly past on it’s trial, which also held at the same month. For sentimental reasons I’m happy towards his achievement. And for the other reasons, me kinda relieve because I know he did hard work and quite a journey on looking what he got now.

The other story, about another of best friends, Mira the one who has been past and blessed to be part of one of government banks’ ODP Program, she had live in Denpasar, Bali for about 5 months since November, eh? *if me not wrong :p* for the “On job training” so called programs, she is now back to the J town after completed the program. It might seems ordinary, but for me instead of the happiness having my best friend back to the town where we are living closely, being an employer who are living in the different town oh well yes, different island from our family and close friends must be irritating, and now I’m congratulating her comeback for whatsoever its meaning to her.

On the last November, I went to Salatiga, Central Java for Tika’s (my baby dear best friend) wedding. Well, it was such a sentimental moments to sit and saw a religious ceremonial which proceeds your best friends to another level of her life journeys, I don’t know what I’m talking about, I believe you are understand that kind of feelings. At several days ago, she surprised me with news about her pregnancy. Shock me at some level then pull me down with happiness. Wow, a baby? Could you believe that? 23 years old? There must be lot of consequences to be bold but of course I’m happy because I know she must be very happy.

And the last one, the finale story about my friend. We are not that close, I mean I don’t talk a lot to him about my private issues, rather than about organization, vision, mission, ideas, sometimes gossiping but never enter the personal life. Bama, we did argue sometimes, deliberating, I think he often get what I meant, but simply didn’t match for what’s he looking for hehe. He decided to proposed his girl friend and will soon getting married by this month. Could you imagine? He just enters his carrier life, and gets nothing yet then deciding to go “there”. I know sometimes I can’t feel and touch by his thought, but by this decisions he is once again prove me that he is kind of a man. I know he will do it right.

Those stories, those people, to them I don’t know what words to say except Congratulation! :)
