Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


Yesterday night, i was stand by in front of my laptop, did stupid thing that i can't resist for always doing on entire day to day on these "nothing i should do"'s days . yes, u call it, facebook become my list on what should i do in a day, then yesterday i check out my account (AGAIN). Final check , before i got my bed time.

at first, i wondered to just check the account on short, but suddenly i have an idea about looking trough my photo album, and saw what i had on the past.

for some peoples who might have more than a thousand photo in their album, my 800 something's photo may not that valuable compare to what they have. but still, it was made me tired instead i have my own smug for get back the pictures and imaging about what was happen.

i was cheerless when realizing that i used to be slimmer than my moment now, but the motivation for getting the body's back is arrive on a while. I hope my diet program will work, in spite of it still depends on how i will maintain ;p

another photograph took me on the memories about my ALSA's time. a one year period when i blessed with a term of office in ALSA Indonesia. the things i had enjoy and done, the traveling time with my friends form around Indonesia, and
of course for the fellowship between us. For me as an individual the experiences are means a lot, and had changed my life into the better one.

i miss my Singaporean pals, Huixiang, andrew, nizam, kirsten, winston. they all my first GC's friends who had a memorable time during the study trip, my first international job. i miss how they (good people) conduct me and another delegates very well on the study trip. i miss nizam jokes, xiang perfect dances, winston cool and nice attitudes, kirsten beautiful faces, and andrew soo nice and wonderful oneeeee. really i miss them very hard.

only if i do not have any other wish list for my graduation gift instead of the blackberry or the new laptop, maybe i would asking my papa for flying me to Singapore for meet them away.

humm, in the end, there is always a good paid for everythingsss. and i hate that hahaha :))

miss u guyss!!

Cheers :D

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