Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

One fun and sweet weekend :)

Hola. i guess it's quite long since my last post ya? hihi. Well, i do have such busy month in life if you that curious :p

the reason behind my business was those tasks form my office and this.. ta da.. i'm joining my friends' progressing business in gift consultants as a creative director (maybe i will tell you the rest of the story about it in another post). For that reasons, i have a weekly meeting on every weekend.

For some reasons, the meeting were canceled at the last weekend wherefore i spent whole of my weekend under my plan hehe ( since i had a lot things to do, i was so much happy to have that break).

so i spent my weekend with my boyfriend, Tajir ( his name is Tazri, but since i have problem with that "Z", i made it simpler hoho), here is the story ;) :


06.00 am - 10.00 am
we both are demand to live a healthy life! hehe it was jokes, i meant we want to have that outstanding curves. so we plan to have a physical exercise together on every day off. this Saturday we did cycling (again), after we did it on the last weekend too hehe. but the progress was, we did one farther route. Tajir claimed that we had  a 8 km that morning. ok, my fat will burned for a week :p

before reaching Tajir's home (we did cycling around Tajir's home at Graha Raya, Bintaro Jaya), we took a walk to cakes and jajanan pasar shop because i desperately need kue mangkok (one of my favorites jajanan pasar), unfortunately they didn't have one. Tajir bought gorengan (healthy life?), and a milk form red bean extracts and also one from soy bean, while i was feel enough with a soy bean milk.

After arriving at Tajir's house, we then.. breather? nope. we did several housework haha. he asked me either to washing dishes or sweeping the floor, i was bug out and then he continuing, said "mumpung keringetan".
 i choose to washing dishes and sweeping the floor and i asked him to swab it. at the end, he also brushing off the bathroom and i did wipe the table. the super dirty and dusty house became clean! :)

11.00 am -04.30 pm 
You may guessed correctly that after those calories burning activities we did starve. yes! and we pay that at delicious mie ayam and bakso gepeng near Tazri's house before our turn toward Thamrin city. This mie ayam and bakso gepeng has a decent portion for us.

The traffic towards Thamrin City wasn't really friendly, we faced several jam at the highway, Tazri said that those traffic proved his assessments right that in a weekend after the pay day, the traffic at Jakarta would be a mess.

so why i need to go to Thamrin City? this is another story to tell hehe. it starts when i bring my friend named Lintang who was new in wearing hijab there. She's need to buy some inner and other hijab stuff. i was amazed with what had sale there, because in fact i don't really familiar to shopping at Thamrin City. it was like an oceans of hijab and its stuff, so colorful and cheaaaaaap hoho.
since then, after all things that happened in my life several days before (which i can't tell you in details) causing an idea to buy things i like and send them to my best friend at Sentani, Papua for her to resell. i want to make money from my hobby, and fortunately my hobby is shopping ;)

kinda sad, i didn't buy a lot that day. not too much i can found.

05.00 pm- 07.30 pm
Done with Thamrin City, Tazri asked me whether i want to watch the avengers or not. stop laughing, indeed we both are  yes.. drop behind hehe. the last movie we saw on cinema was mmmm... that 21 jumpstreet? i don't remember.

i refused his date simply because i already swear to my Dad that i will coming home earlier to discussing about my family plan in order to arrange my big brother wedding receptions on September. Despite of that, we then decided to have dinner together. we went to Sushi Miya8i.

It was our first time at Sushi Miya8i. we ordered 6 menus excluding our ocha, 3 fusion sushi each in good portion, 1 salmon sashimi, 1 sushi  (consist of 2) and 1 portion of ice cream cake, around 150 k (or a lil bit more) for all of them. good price, huh? poorly the taste was.. i don't know what to say.. it wasn't bad. but i guess the chef doesn't really know how to make a proper sushi *i'm so sorry, it is my humble and honest private opinion* the rice's too thick for a sushi considering to its measly filling. mmm.. and because it wasn't that fresh.. and because i don't know, i am not sure what's that, but it was failed. what you paid is what you get ya..

the good thing's that we had a good times there (imagine that we choose to sat on their outdoor area, right on the edge of the street) ;)

07.30 pm- 09.00 pm
enough with sushi, we then heading back to my house. on the way towards there, i remembered that i have to find an ATM for one urgent transaction. so we stop by to ITC Permata Hijau, one trade centre near my house.

Done with the transaction, we didn't went home directly. Tazri was looking an AUX cable for his Ipod, believing that there's one at carrefour, so we decided to going there.
Tazri didn't get what's he looking for, but i get mine hehe. women always have something to looking for, don't we? :p

i move to cashier to pay my stuff, suddenly i realize that i had lost my atm card. i couldn't found it anywhere in my wallet. lucky that i have Tajir who paid them all for me firstly. we soon heading back to the atm centre after that. somehow hoping that we still have my card, no matter what.

realizing that none of any kind of card there nor mine, i then called the hotline of my bank simply for blockage any transaction for my card. i feel relieved once the officer confirmed that the last transaction towards my card was the one that i did earlier. fiuuuh..

i don't feel that i left my card on the atm machine, i don't think it fallen accidentally from my bag tho, i really don't know where it is. Big questions.
that was my second time loosing an atm card actually, excluding one which i had my wallet lost including all of its content, so.. make it third. hehe..

well, after so many things i got that day, i stiil found that was a one fun and sweet weekend. I am proudly say, that an ATM cards accident wasn't ruin my mood at all ;)

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Typo Laptop Case

It's true that am looking forward to be an entrepreneur, someday. Three things that interest me are a clothing line, guest house and a cake or pastry shop. all should be open by carrying out my characters. And yes of course it needs a number of capital to developed, either a sum of money or competence of making clothes and baking cakes.

well at the moment, i have nothing except my ability to selling things. like what i do on this post. Below is a brand new laptop case bought by my boy friend on his holiday vacation in Singapore 2 weeks a go. What he bought was a wrong size case (10 inch) so not fit to his laptop which is 13 inch sized. He bought for 29,95 Singaporean Dollars, and wanted to selling it for only 200.000 Rupiahs.

For buyers living in Jakarta, you may choose to pay it in time of delivered (COD), and for another buyers i can do shipping with additional cost of shipping of course (information of shipping fare please check here).

i must be so happy if i can help one of you who perhaps looking for things like this, and appreciate another who spread this information to other people who might be the one who needs this such of informations. Sharing is good ;)


Rabu, 11 April 2012

New is always better

I've lost my blackberry last Sunday.

The story begins when I went to Bandung for short vacation with my family. One of that trip's occasion was shopping in several outlets at Jalan Riau, until I entered one outlet because of the necessity to go to toilet. On my way towards the rest room i had use my blackberry to send a message to my boyfriend, I'm sure enough because of we were saying good bye to each other since he had his blackberry battery going low.

After done with my business there, i then walking around the outlet just for looking for my mom's purchase. I got it. But decided to keep looking around expecting to find a better goods. Realizing that there weren't any goods better, i move to cashier to pay (you knew, i need to open my bag, reach my wallet for it) and at once i catch that my green javeline has gone.

The rest of the story was expected, i got panick, the security asked my several informations, they said they would take a look on their cameras record whatsoever, ask me to leave my other phone numbers, and yes my blackberry officialy dissapear.

I can accept it whole-heartedly, tho. I know somehow it's gone for good reasons. it's already broken in some parts, actually. but still, it was my first blackberry ever, i had a huge numbers of contact list since i never replace it with any other one. i also had a good playlist that i used to listen in a years or so, back then.

But one mate remembering me to what's Barney Stinson ever said "New is always better", i guess i don't need to worry. maybe our time is up. And now it's time for something new :)

good bye, "buto ijo". take care yourself :')


Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Hedi Slimane's

i did a quick visitation to Hedi Slimane's diary this morning, then saw some of his black and white photographs.

at first, i saw them as weirdos, naked, tattoos, cigarettes, inelegant, black and white, err.. it's more likely grey actually, no. other. colors. boring, such a thing against my tastes for specifically.

but i look further on them once again, and come up with speculation that his point might be about the imperfection itself. fashion and perhaps art are not only about colors, well and neat stuffs. fashion is one of human elements. it's close to us. and since no body's perfect so does fashion. maybe.

even though, i still seen fashion as things that (perhaps) covered our imperfection.


Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Broken Vow

I went home from my office yesterday. took taxi as usual. the different thing was only that taxi tune in on a radio which has a good playlist.

one of those songs was, this Lara Fabian's.

remembering me, that she's one of a few creatures on earth whose exclamations are comfortable to be heard.




"Sesungguhnya pujian yang mereka berikan semata-mata karena Allah menutupi aib kita yang tersimpan".

suatu kali pernah membaca ungkapan diatas, disuatu tempat.

Tuhan kita hanyalah terlalu baik, dan kita terlalu tak tau berterimakasih?


Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Hidup Baru, Baru Hidup


Sudah lama sejak terakhir kali benar-benar bercerita tentang keseharian rasanya. Seperti judul blog ini yang harusnya bercerita tentang kejadian sehari-hari hehe. abis gitu sih, kadang kita ingin sekali menulis sesuatu yang menarik tapi waktu-nya tak banyak, atau sebaliknya ketika kita akhirnya punya waktu yang banyak untuk sekedar menulis tulisan, cerita yang berlalu rasa-rasanya sudah terlalu basi :p

Seperti judul cerita kali ini, saya ingin menceritakan perubahan yang terjadi pada diri saya tentang hal-hal esensial dalam hidup. salah satunya adalah concern saya terhadap pentingnya mengatur apa yang masuk kedalam tubuh.

sudah sejak di sekolah dasar mungkin kita semua memahami bahwa manusia, tumbuhan, hewan atau yang biasa disebut mahluk hidup sebenarnya terdiri atas raga dan jiwa. Raga yang nampak secara fisik dan jiwa yang menjadi bagian pribadi setiap individu (tidak nampak secara kasar hanya dapat dirasakan atau muncul setelah diimplementasikan dalam suatu perbuatan). Keduanya berdiri sendiri, tetapi dalam hal membentuk suatu individu mereka menopang satu sama lain.

Dari kecil saya setuju, bahwa inner beauty lebih penting ketimbang outer looks. Menjadi pribadi yang menarik lebih utama ketimbang menjadi seseorang yang atraktif secara fisik.

melatih kepribadian lebih mengasyikan ketimbang mengolah raga. Sampai suatu hari dibulan februari, saya sadar bahwa lambat laun raga yang saya miliki akan bertambah tua dan renta.. yang apabila tidak dirawat sejak dini mungkin ke rentaan tersebut akan menyusahkan jiwa saya sendiri cepat atau lambat.

Coba saja bayangkan, semisal saya hendak melaksanakan ibadah sholat diumur-umur saya yang senja nanti, tapi terhalang kemampuan fisik yang semakin terbatas?

Memulai hidup baru yang lebih sehat adalah jawaban yang akhirnya saya temukan.

Berhubung masih baru, maka saya mulai dari hal-hal yang menurut saya paling mudah dulu seperti mengatur apa yang masuk kedalam tubuh (bisa dibaca: mengatur asupan makanan, meskipun sebenarnya memiliki makna yang jauh lebih luas dari sekedar makanan), hidup bersih (termasuk mandi 2x sehari dan mengganti pakaian), melakukan perawatan kulit, rambut dan kuku secara sederhana dengan teratur. (kelihatannya sepele ya, padahal kulit, rambut dan kuku adalah bagian tubuh manusia yang harus dijaga kebersihan dan keindahannya), perbanyak meminum air putih.

Hal lain yang sebenarnya penting tapi masih sulit karena tidak setiap hari dapat saya lakukan adalah : Olahraga dan Tidur cukup.

Kecuali mengatur asupan makanan, sebenarnya apa yang saya terapkan diatas adalah hal-hal sederhana yang setiap orang pasti telah menyadarinya (meskipun mungkin untuk menerapkannya? belum :p). Sekarang saya jadi lebih care tentang berapa sebenarnya kebutuhan kalori saya perhari dengan aktivitas yang saya lakukan?, selain itu tentu jadi lebih care tentang nilai gizi suatu makanan. Lebih jauh lagi, menghindari pemakaian minyak goreng untuk makanan-makanan yang tidak diproduksi dirumah, mengurangi pemakaian gula jika tidak diperlukan. Memperbanyak konsumsi serat dan protein, serta memberikan tubuh asupan kolagen, vitamin c dan vitamin E yang semakin berkurang produksi alaminya sejalan dengan penambahan usia.

Secara bertahap, hal-hal yang dimasukkan dan dikonsumsi oleh tubuh seharusnya sesuai dengan kebutuhannya, maka alangkah baiknya apabila kita bisa memahami kebutuhan tubuh kita sendiri. Semisal saya yang berkacamata ini, saya juga kedepan akan berusaha untuk memperhatikan asupan vitamin A dan melakukan hal-hal yang mampu mengurangi atau paling tidak menjaga kemampuan penglihatan saya.

Setelah apa yang saya lakukan beberapa minggu kebelakang, saya merasa menjadi lebih ringan dan sehat. Yang paling penting, adalah pemahaman bahwa "hasil" tidak akan datang secara instant. Gak usah buru-buru ingin melihat perubahannya.. nikmati saja dulu prosesnya secara bertahap.. kita mesti belajar melewatinya.

Selamat memulai hidup baru, semoga lebih hidup :)



Jumat, 10 Februari 2012


Kata orang, kalau sudah jalannya semua akan dipermudah. Yang lain lagi bilang, bahwa tak ada sesuatu yang berharga akan didapatkan dengan mudah.

Saya tak tau yang mana yang paling tepat,

yang jelas, satu hal yang selalu saya amini; keyakinan tak muncul dengan diusahakan.


Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


Suatu hari:

"Do you know? i always hate "letter "T". i love "R", i love "S", but i don't like "T" ."
"I don't know."
*smilling* "so because you hate something too much you start loving it in the end."
*what are you talking about?*


Senin, 02 Januari 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012! :))


mmm.. apa ya? tahun ini semoga bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi, semakin dewasa dalam menghadapi problem dan tantangan #cieh :p

dan.. berencana untuk meningkatkan koleksi kerudung yang manis-manis, Agatha Christie cetakan terbaru, serta berusaha untuk semakin bersahaja dalam memakai pakaian hehe.

bismillah.. :)
